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Introducing the Guides

A peer mentoring programme, for young people by young people.

Apart of Me squiggle
Cotton Bro team
Apart of Me squiggle
Micaasato team
Lottery Community Fund

Transforming Grief Into Compassion

Guides are young people who have lost a loved one, and decided they want to turn their darkest moment into a source of creativity compassion and strength. Some have played our game, some have come through our community programmes. They all have one thing in common: a shared experience of loss and a desire to help others like them.


We are just beginning a new iteration of the Guides community, called Guide Me, a 3-year schools based programme funded by the lottery. Guide Me is designed to provide bereaved young people a safe, creative space where they can express their grief, meet others who know how it feels, and learn how to help others like them.

Henry's dad died when
he was 17...

Henry found the Apart of Me Game.​ He later told us it helped him to experience and explore his grief in a safe space.​ Henry applied to be a Guide.


​"For me, being a Guide at Apart of Me means being able to support those who I needed to get out of my grief some years ago. It means to me to listen, reflect, and give back from my experience to aid those in the same despair I found myself in once. It means to use all that happened to me to have a positive impact, to redefine and turn it into a source of good instead of leaving it a painful scar."

Apart of Me background
Henry and Dad
Apart of Me guides

Apply to be a Guide

If you'd like to become a Guide at Apart of Me and help other young people face the challenges of grief, please complete this form and we will contact you soon for

an informal chat. 

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