Recently we received the fantastic news that we had won the Mayor of London’s Resilience Fund, for our project ‘Loss in Translation.’
Loss in Translation is all about building supportive communities that help young people grieve. And as the BME community have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic, it’s vital that we are there where and how they need us, with bereavement support.
A combination of appropriate bereavement support and the stigma attached to mental health can leave young people not seeking help until they are in crisis. Currently 75% of lifetime mental illnesses start by the mid 20’s, but largely go undetected or untreated.
Working with young people from the BME community, we are creating a toolkit for young Londoners. It aims to raise awareness and understanding of grief within the most needed communities and support earlier intervention. We will provide the guidance and the tools needed, based around our award-winning therapeutic game for bereaved young people, Apart of Me.